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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

How to do BLACK MAGIC ..


Black Magic is seen mainly in movies and is quite interesting.
West Bengal is famous for Black Magic.

Black magic is manipulation of energy for the purpose harming somebody. There

is no god or devil involved in this. It is pure energy manipulation. The same

energy can be used for good purposes as well. The devil, satan etc are all

figments of the imagination. Its only energy that has been manipulated.
Result on the Person doing Black Magic.

One thing is certain and from experience i can say that the person who does

black magic on others gets back the same amount of negative energy often

resulting in a horrific death of the black magician.

How to do Black Magic??

It is ok to know and learn about this subject but stay away from practicing it.
The victim's clothes, hair, nails etc are used in this ceremony. Energy is then

manipulated to attack the victim directly. When negative energy is concentrated

in such a manner the result is death, pestilence, bad luck etc. If the
victim prays

to a higher energy source or asks a tantric for the black magic to be reversed

then the black magician gets back the negative energy multiplied thousand fold

and is doomed. If you see a banana leaf with rice, turmeric and strange looking

things on it do not step on it. Move away from it as it is all the
negative black

energy in concentrated form.

Bottom line is...Stay away from people who practice this.

Is Someone using Black Magic On You ?

Due to jealousy, heart burning or some base cause, the Tantriks use cheap

tactics to overcome the adversaries, which ruins one's life. Are you also under

such a spell? We must have peace and happiness in life, and to achieve the same

we work hard. But we do not get in return to the proportions of our
labor. Black

magic. What's the point? You can easily do as much damage to someone (and

yourself) with conventional means.

We get very little even after the best of our efforts, we toil to get
success in our

business but the profits are too little. We do not want any discontentment or

discord in our family life, but inspite of our best efforts, the peace and

tranquility of our family is disturbed.

On the other hand people work very little, but get too much in return.

Businessmen have ample wealth just be putting in little efforts, bit we are

disappointed even after continuous efforts. It leads us to conclude, that there

are some evil forces which make our strategies unsuccessful.

Common Black Magic Spells ---

Black magic can most often be found in the uses of love magic. Unfortunately,

most people who cast love spells are trying to force another person to
love them

or another. Despite the fact that people often associate good feelings
with love,

in forcing another person to fall in love, there is certainly a
violation in that

person's free will.


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